The retro music slot with the legend of the Czechoslovak music scene has been an integral part of Rock for People for many years and of course, it can’t be missing this year either. This year, unforgettable moments will be provided by an important personality – the singer, composer, musician and even occasional actor PETR SPÁLENÝ & Apollo Band with his musical and life partner MILUŠE VOBORNÍKOVÁ – the voices of immortal hits such as “PLAKALO BEJBY”, the legendary “AŽ MĚ ANDĚLÉ…” or “Pane, vy jste vdova” from the film of the same name.
Petr Spálený has been making music professionally since 1967 and his discography counts over 40 released LPs or CDs.
The singer’s repertoire is not limited to one musical genre. Throughout his career, he has ranged from rock and pop to country music to experimental music (Zvon šílencův, double album Podoby). At the Apollo Theatre, he built on the success of his fellow singer Karel Gott, with whom he made several recordings during his career and alongside whom he appeared on the top of theZlatý Slavík charts. He also collaborated with other stars of the Czechoslovak music scene, such as Václav Neckář, Waldemar Matuška, and many others.