Guns N’ Roses will perform in Hradec Kralove at Park 360 on June 15, 2025!

Since the 30th birthday celebrations of Rock for People are not just for fun and we announced that we would be giving gifts, we joined forces with our colleagues from Live Nation. So they’re the first congratulations and we’re sending you more – an extra Birthday Day on Sunday, June 15 with a concert by the legendary Guns N’ Roses and more!
One of the most significant rock bands in music history, consisting of Axl Rose, Slash, Duff McKagan, Dizzy Reed and others, will perform next year in Hradec Kralove at the Birthday Day on June 15 added after the Rock for People festival.

TICKETS will be available at the link below from December 12, 9:00 a.m. for purchase at a discounted price for each full four-day Rock for People ticket (including special categories), from December 13, 9:00 a.m. on sale to the public separately at Birthday Day on June 15 with Guns N’ Roses and other bands:


Tickets purchased for the Rock for People festival are NOT valid for the Birthday Party on June 15 with Guns N’ Roses and other bands.


  • Extra Birthday day on June 15 is an added day after the four-day Rock for People Festival (June 11-14).
  • All-festival four-day or other Rock for People tickets are NOT valid for Birthday day 6/15.
  • For every full-festival four-day ticket (including special categories) we offer a discounted purchase for 1 490 CZK (2 490 CZK Golden Circle) – show of legendary Guns N’ Roses and other bands + four-day accommodation and parking extension for FREE – LIMITED CAPACITY
  • Separate tickets for the Birthday day on 15 June with Guns N’ Roses and other bands will also be on sale for CZK 1,990 (CZK 2 990 Golden Circle).
  • Full five-day tickets for the entire Rock for People festival + Birthday day on 15 June with Guns N’ Roses and other bands 11-15 June 2025 will also be on sale for the price of the current edition increased by CZK 1 490 (CZK 2 490 Golden Circle).
  • All-festival four-day VIP tickets have the Birthday on 15 June included in the price of the purchased ticket, which is extended to a full 5 days.
  • Golden Circle will ONLY be at the Birthday day on 6/15.
  • Both 4 DAYS + Upgrade Sunday tickets must be presented at check-in. This upgrade extends the validity of entry for 5 days, without a full festival ticket it is invalid.
  • We do not offer special tickets for people with disabilities, so it is necessary to buy a standard ticket, both for the Disabled Identification Cardholder or the disabled person with an assistant. On-site facilities will then be provided during the concert similar to the Rock for People we organize = specially designated parking, designated camping, accessible toilets, accessible area, and raised platform.

Guns N’ Roses, who will celebrate 40 years on the scene next year, have made an indelible mark on Los Angeles’ burgeoning rock scene. Two years after their formation, they captivated the world with Appetite for Destruction, which became the best-selling American debut of all time and sold more than 30 million copies worldwide. In 1991, they followed up with the seven-times platinum albums Use Your Illusion I and Use Your Illusion II, which reached the top two spots on the Billboard Top 200 shortly after their release. Now, over the past decade, Guns N’ Roses have sold out shows and headlined festivals around the world in support of the platinum-selling Chinese Democracy. They are one of the most streamed rock bands in the world, with an average of 24 million monthly listeners on Spotify. After the Reunion of the Century, they headlined the Coachella festival and sold over 5 million tickets for the Not In This Lifetime tour… Tour. Guns N’ Roses are one of the most important and influential bands in music history and have thrilled millions of fans around the world with their concerts. svět svojí nahrávkou Appetite for Destruction, která se stala nejprodávanějším americkým debutem všech dob, a které se po celém světě prodalo více jak 30 milionů kopií. V roce 1991 následovala sedminásobně platinová alba Use Your Illusion I a Use Your Illusion II, která krátce po vydání obsadila první dvě příčky žebříčku Billboard Top 200. Teď v průběhu uplynulého desetiletí Guns N’ Roses vyprodávali koncerty a byli hvězdami festivalů po celém světě, kde vystupovali na podporu platinové nahrávky Chinese Democracy. Jsou jednou z nejstreamovanějších rockových kapel na světě s průměrným počtem 24 milionů posluchačů měsíčně na Spotify. Po reunionu století byli headlinery festivalu Coachella a prodali přes 5 milionů vstupenek na turné Not In This Lifetime… Tour. Guns N’ Roses jsou jednou z nejdůležitějších a nejvlivnějších kapel v hudební historii a v rámci svých koncertů nadchli miliony fanoušků po