
We give space to those who have something to say. This year we are also continuing the tradition of non-profit organizations at Rock for People. Some are dedicated to the environment, others to social issues, minorities or health prevention. What they all have in common is an active approach to the topic and doing important outreach. Let’s introduce them!


ADRA Czech Republic is a humanitarian and social development organization that helps people in need in the Czech Republic and abroad. It is part of the international network of charitable organizations ADRA operating in more than 100 countries around the world. It provides immediate assistance (not only) in natural disasters and improves the living conditions of people living in poverty. Volunteer centers connect people willing to help those in need (seniors, people with disabilities and others). They are also dedicated to global development education. They have been there for others since 1992. At the festival, you will be able to try on a geronto suit and experience first-hand what it is like to be a senior citizen, learn more about the work of volunteers and senior volunteers or about the countries where ADRA helps.

You will find the stand on Friday and Saturday in the Komerční banka zone called FutureFest.

Bez lepku po Česku

The socially innovative project Bez lepku po Česku wants to find out the real needs of coeliacs and celiacs in the Czech Republic. Together with them and for them it is building a new service called TANDEM 3. It is intended to make life easier for many celiacs of all ages, with an emphasis on their health immediately after diagnosis or in the first years of life with a gluten-free diet. The project motivates and educates restaurants and gastro operations with a clear vision to expand the #glutenfree offer. After all, there are many barriers for celiacs when travelling away from home.

You’ll find the booth in the nonprofit zone near the Clock Brewery hangar.

Česká společnost AIDS pomoc

Czech AIDS Aid Society is a non-profit organization working in the field of HIV prevention, which has been providing support to people living with HIV for 30 years. Among other things, the Society provides free and anonymous testing for HIV infection and internet and telephone counselling (, 800 800 980). It will offer anonymous testing for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B and C at the festival. This testing takes the form of rapid tests, and results are available immediately. Alternatively, it is also possible to have the results sent by text message. A team of trained counsellors will be available on site to provide information on the latest methods of infection prevention (PrEP, PEP) and current treatment trends if required.

The booth can be found in the nonprofit zone near the Clock Brewery hangar.

Dobrá rodina

Do you want to help here and now? At Good Family, they say that a foster parent may not change the whole world, but they can change one child’s life from the ground up. But you don’t have to want to foster a child right away. You can help by volunteering in a variety of ways. After all, fostering is such a lifelong pursuit. If you want to know more about it, be sure to stop by the booth of Good Families, a nonprofit organization that accompanies foster parents and foster mothers, helps adoptive families, and educates the public. So drop your preconceived notions and come ask. Can only married couples be foster parents? Can someone have two moms? And what is a normal family? How do volunteers help? In addition to taking photos in the photo booth, you can try to dispel a few preconceived notions about foster care on the “Love is Stronger Than Genes” network to win a glow bracelet.

You can find the booth on Wednesday and Thursday in the Komerční banka zone called FutureFest.

Fakulta životního prostředí (ČZU)

The Faculty of Environment (ČZU in Prague) in cooperation with other partners implemented the Rolling Waste project, which aimed to find ways to reduce the environmental impact of summer music festivals. As part of using the results of the project, an eco booth will be circulating around summer music festivals with pro-environmental activities. For example, education linked to what is upcycling, recycling or re-use, how to sort waste properly, try making your own barefoot shoes or take part in an eco quiz. In short, you will have the opportunity to learn how you can contribute to the sustainability of the festival too!

You will find the stand on Friday and Saturday in the Komerční banka zone called FutureFest.

Fuck Cancer

Fuck Cancer promotes and defends the interests of cancer patients, connects cancer organisations and raises awareness about cancer. Under the giant lavender top hat, which is the symbol of Fuck Cancer, you can learn about prevention, self-examination and how to (not) communicate with the seriously ill. You will test your health knowledge here. And last but not least, you can meet the Heroes (current or former cancer patients) in person and talk about their experiences, hear their stories and ask them questions about what you are interested in. Empathy instead of apathy is the motto of the patient organisation Fuck Cancer.

You’ll find the booth in the nonprofit zone near the Clock Brewery hangar.

Hnutí DUHA – Friends of the Earth Czech republic

The DUHA Movement is a leading Czech environmental organisation operating since 1989. It promotes a healthy environment for life, diverse nature and a smart economy. It strives for a free and democratic society that is socially sensitive, peaceful, capable of critical reflection and bears its share of global co-responsibility. It proposes practical and effective ecological solutions that will improve everyone’s life, discussing them with authorities, ministers and parliamentarians.

It fights for sustainable and nature-friendly management of forests and agriculture. It also focuses on renewable resources and their fair transformation or waste management. He also helps on the ground: he regularly organises volunteer events such as Weeks for the Countryside or Wolf and Lynx Patrols. At this year’s event, you can take a look with Rainbow under the hood of the emerging community energy sector, which will enable the sharing of renewable energy. You will also have the opportunity to influence the future of the Czech forests through our Save the Forests campaign.

You’ll find our booth in the nonprofit zone near the Clock Brewery hangar.

Hvězdný bazar

The Star Bazaar is a charity second hand shop that serves as a training facility for people with disabilities. In addition to second-hand clothing, it focuses on selling Czech local products and its own merch, which is made with an emphasis on sustainability and originality. It is operated by the Czech Paraplegic Association – CZEPA and thanks to the great support of customers and the wider community, it has successfully managed to operate two stores in Prague. The aim of the project is to help people with disabilities to regain lost self-confidence, practical experience and soft skills, in addition to contributing to improving the environment and promoting sustainability. The festival will feature the best second hand pieces they currently have in stock, as well as original designer t-shirts with custom prints.
TIP: Special limited edition RfP x Star Bazaar t-shirts can only be found at this stand.

You’ll find the booth in the non-profit zone by the Clock Brewery hangar.


Konsent has been busting myths about sex and relationships since 2016. They started in the field of sexual violence and harassment, and today they also provide comprehensive sex and relationship education for children and adults. They’ve helped correct the flawed definition of rape, provide hundreds of workshops, create resources for parents and teachers, trainers, universities, businesses, camps, kids, teachers and bars…

Play a free escape game for a team of four at the Konsent festival booth. Buy merch (like caps or t-shirts). You’ll also find DIY activities for kids and adults, balloons and a quiz for free condoms. Learn more about classes and workshops or catch a short version of the StandUp workshop against public harassment.


Heroism doesn’t hurt! See for yourself at the BONE MARROW RECRUITMENT stand and join the register of bone marrow donors. Simply fill out the questionnaire and swab your mouth with a brush. A few minutes between gigs for you, a life saved for someone. Who are you actually signing up for? NÁBOR HRDINŮ, z. s. is a group looking for courageous people who save the lives of patients with leukemia or other serious hematopoietic disorders. They are in their sixth year of operation and have brought over 5,000 potential donors to the registry in that time. While that seems like a lot, still one in four patients simply can’t find their hero. Yet a bone marrow transplant is often the only chance for a cure! Today, donation can be similar to plasma collection. Painlessly. Find out all about it at the festival booth. Are you in?

You’ll find the booth in the non-profit zone by the Clock Brewery hangar.

OBRAZ – Obránci zvířat

The organization OBRAZ – Animal Defenders is dedicated to the protection of animals in the Czech Republic. It focuses not only on educating individuals, but also on advocating for legislative changes and other systemic reforms. It has successfully campaigned for a ban on fur farms or cage farming of laying hens. It is now engaged in a major campaign, Albert’s Cruelty, which targets misleading supermarket advertising and improved conditions for chickens. However, OBRAZ is focusing on a wider range of issues, which includes politically driven campaigns such as the fight to end fireworks or the ban on animal transports outside the EU ( In addition, projects focusing on plant-based diets are also part of OBRAZ’s repertoire ( or

At the RfP booth you will be able to visit the Hall of Fame, where you will find out who among the celebrities lives with respect for animals and maybe even win a prize in a quiz. Spoiler: a lot of these musicians have also appeared at RfP.

The booth can be found in the nonprofit zone near the Clock Brewery hangar.