Reuse & recycling

Rock for People was one of the first festivals in the Czech Republic to introduce back-up cups. Why? Because the best waste is the waste that doesn’t get generated at all. So whether you remember the cups with the dummies, Karel Gott or you kept some last year, the system will remain the same this year.

For the first Nicknack cup of 0.5 l, 0.3 l, 0.2 l or for a hot drink (the so-called Hot Cup) you will pay a refundable deposit of 50 CZK. If you go for another beer, limo, mixed drink or coffee and return the cup, you will get a new one of the same volume. But you don’t pay the deposit again. You can spin cups of the same volume like this for the whole festival. At the end of the festival, you can either return the cup in the special cup return tent and the 50 CZK deposit will be yours, or take it home as a souvenir. Only cups that you have loaded on a cashless chip can be returned.

What else do we back up?

Did you know that materials such as PET and aluminum are ideal for take-back and reuse? That’s why we don’t wait for legislation and operate our own deposit system for PET bottles and beverage cans. When you buy a drink in one of these containers in the festival area, a deposit of CZK 5 is automatically added to the price. If you return the drink container to the special point, we will refund your deposit. A maximum of 5 can be returned at a time and you must have the deposit loaded on a cashless chip.

Please note, that once you take the PET bottle or can out of the festival grounds, you will not be allowed back into the grounds with it and will not be able to draw your deposit back.

There are bins for sorted waste in many places on the premises. So PET bottles and cans can be sorted. The forfeited deposit will do us good – we will use these funds for greening and eco measures in the area.

Of course, we won’t reduce all waste to zero right away. So you might be interested in finding out how you can get involved or how we manage waste afterwards. For details of what types of waste we sort, please see the Waste section.

And what are we doing?

With the unreturned deposits, we are greening the area and developing eco-friendly measures. For example, a grey water management system.

We gradually said goodbye to single-use plastic before it was mandatory. This was true for disposable cups, crockery and cutlery, for example.

We replaced disposable plastic utensils and cutlery with a compostable option. For example, in the VIP area we provided Refork, compostable cutlery made from wood waste.