Seniors on RFP

It is clear to us that music, or culture in general, connects and knows no age boundaries. We have it confirmed. And several times! That is why we are developing special projects aimed at integration and promoting intergenerational dialogue.

The long-term project Seniors at Rock for People started in 2009. Thanks to it, the festival is regularly attended by senior men and women from Hradec Kralove. They have visited, for example, the concert of Karel Gott, Michal Malátný with the Kolín Big Band, Blue Effect, Pavel Bobek, Jarmila Šuláková, Ivan Mládek with the Banjo Band or the folk musician Rodriguez. The festival atmosphere, the popular music and the friendly welcome of the younger visitors usually attracts more than a hundred seniors.

In 2023, the project took place for the eleventh time, with the arrival of three buses and a concert by Václav Neckář and the band Bacily. This year the senior expedition will come to enjoy the performance of Petr Spálený accompanied by the Apollo Band.

We have been cooperating with the Hradec Králové Municipality, specifically with the Department of Social Affairs and Healthcare, since the beginning of the project. Thank you!