
At Rock for People, we have always been committed to being as environmentally responsible as possible. And we’ve done it – thanks to you! We are proud to have received several awards from the Clean Festival Project. But that’s not enough for us and we’re going much further!

And we’re doing it in an area that has always bred us – waste. Did you know that we were the first festival with our own unique sorting line? Sure, the best waste is that which is not generated at all (that’s why, for example, we minimise the installation of advertising banners in the grounds). So far we are far from a zero waste festival, so in cooperation with Hradecké služby a.s. (thank you!) we have expanded the collection points and focused on sorting more types of waste.

For you, the visitors, the following bin distribution applies in the Rock for People area:

  • Plastic + PET bottles (we back up the bottles, so ideally return them or sort them into plastic)
  • Paper
  • Cans/metals (we also back up cans)
  • Dishware + bio-waste (compostable trays, cutlery and bowls + vegetable food scraps)
  • Mixed waste (also food scraps of animal origin – meat, eggs, dairy products)
  • Ashtrays will be placed in areas with a higher concentration of people
  • NEW e-cigarette containers

Other waste is consistently separated in campsites, backstage or operational facilities. We focus on glass, beverage cartons, metals, paper cartons and boxes, and wood. We also focus on textiles, hazardous waste or electrical waste. It will now be possible to throw broken tents, umbrellas or non-functioning chairs into the bulk container when leaving the festival.

We have also involved food and drink vendors who will additionally separate coffee grounds, gastro waste or edible oils and fats.

So we are all in this together!

To further motivate you, we’ll add that the vast majority of the sorted and cleaned waste ends up in local businesses. For example, bio-waste in the neighboring composting plant and gastro-waste in the biogas plant in nearby Rybitví.

With an audience like yours, we find it easier to set high targets. Plus, the joy of a clean site is appreciated by all. So thank you for helping us to continue to meet them!


Our guarantee for your responsible attitude does not end with the collection of containers. We follow the path of the waste to its final recovery. Do you want to know what happens to it next and who you have supported with your awareness?

PET bottles -> back up -> separate from the rest of the plastic -> hand over to Hradecké služby a.s. -> production of recycled PET at the processor (e.g. fleece, fibres for sleeping bags, new bottles)

Plastic -> handed over to Hradecké služby a.s. -> sorting by type -> production of recycled products or building materials

  • This includes, for example, candy wrappers, potato chip wrappers, PET bottle caps
  • Note: unfortunately, some plastics cannot be recycled and end up as solid alternative fuels in cement factories or, in worse cases, in landfills. That is why we want to further reduce our plastic footprint in the future.

Cans -> back up -> separate -> hand over to Hradecké služby a.s. -> a new can is created by recycling at the processor

Paper -> handed over to Hradecké služby a.s., where it is cleaned, pressed -> processed in paper mills

  • Note: paper is sorted in the festival grounds, in the campsite, operational facilities and backstage

Bio-waste and compostable dishes -> we separate them -> we hand them over to the composting plant, which is also located on the premises of Hradec Králové Airport -> we produce high-quality compost here -> we use it on the premises when planting greenery

  • Only plant residues belong to bio-waste (no meat, eggs, dairy products)
  • Note: compost is a great example of circularity in practice

Gastro-waste -> we transfer to the biogas plant in Rybitví near Pardubice -> heat and electricity production

  • Note: we collect gastro waste from food vendors

Glass -> we hand over to Hradecké služby a.s. for processing -> the recycling processor produces impurities in the new glass

  • Note: glass is sorted for example at the campsite, in the backstage area or the backstage